
Armenia FETP Frontline Cohort 1 Training Start

FETP Frontline Cohort 1 training began on 01 March 2021 at the National Institute of Health. Cohort 2 includes 14 trainees from the National Center of Disease Control and Prevention (7), Food Safety Inspection Body (3), Ministry of Economy (MoE) (3), and the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) (1). The training continued through 05 March 2021 and consisted of 3 one-week in-person workshops and 9 weeks of on-the-job field work. The training utilized the CDC’s FETP Frontline curriculum and was conducted by Armenian and US trainers and mentors.

See also
01 Mar 2021
Armenia FETP Frontline Cohort 1 Training Start

FETP Frontline Cohort 1 training began on 01 March 2021 at the National Institute of Health.

18 Jun 2021
Armenia FETP Frontline Cohort 1 Graduation
12 Armenian public health and veterinary epidemiologists completed the FETP Frontline Cohort 1 training.
13 Sep 2021
Armenia FETP Frontline Cohort 2 Training Start
FETP Frontline Cohort 2 training began on 13 September 2021 at the National Institute of Health.