Training Courses

FETP is a competency-based training program designed to enhance Armenia’s epidemiologic workforce by teaching them the necessary skills to collect, analyze, and interpret disease surveillance data. FETP is modeled on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Epidemic Intelligence Service program and is adapted to Armenia’s public health context and needs.

FETP has three tiers of training – Frontline, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each tier is focused on “learning by doing” and uses the same training approach with 25% of the course time spent in classroom and 75% of time learning “on the job” by conducting mentored field activities.

FETP Frontline is a 12-week in-service training course aimed at strengthening epidemiologic skills at regional (marz) and district levels by improving the ability of Armenia’s public health workforce to detect, investigate, and respond to diseases and events of public health importance. FETP Frontline was started in Armenia in March 2021. Those who complete the training receive a Certificate of Graduation and continuous medical education credits. In June 2021, Cohort 1 of 12 FETP Frontline graduates completed the training. Training for Cohort 2 began in September 2021, with Cohort 3 planned to begin in February 2022. Approximately 40 Armenian public health and veterinary epidemiologists will complete FETP Frontline by the summer of 2022.

The Armenia FETP plans to start the 9-month FETP Intermediate course in the fall of 2022. FETP Intermediate will consist of 4 in-person workshops and on-the-job field epidemiology work at the trainees place of employment. Those completing this program will gain skills in disease surveillance, outbreak investigation and response, data quality and management, observational studies, and public health communication.

The FETP Advanced is a 2-year in-service training course that provides trainees with hands-on experience in responding to a wide range of disease outbreaks and other public health priorities including disease surveillance and natural disasters. Establishment of a national FETP Advanced course is the ultimate goal and one of the future plans of the Armenia FETP